Best Quotes Of The Season

As with every other season, when the Mudbrook Boys spend a lot of time together, there tends to be a variety of humorous situations...and this year was no different. Following are the top five quotations from the 2003 bowhunting season...

5) After the very first evening hunt of the year: "Hey Lefty, what did you see?" Lefty: "Bears". It was the fourth season in a row that Lefty has seen bears on opening night. 

4) After Barnacle shot his doe and was explaining the shot to Paco & Pedro: "The arrow was flying just fine until it deflected off a branch and hit the deer in the leg...well, I thought  it hit a branch."

3) After almost every hunt so far this year: "Hey Pedro, how many did you see?" Pedro: "None".

2) Paco, answering questions about the doe he missed at Twin Oaks: "How far away was it  Jeffy?"  Paco: "15 yards". "Were you shooting in the dark again?" Paco: "No, it was six o'clock". "Was the deer walking fast or something?"  Paco: "No, it was just standing there broadside". Do you know where you missed it...high or low?"  Paco: "Nope".

1) Barnacle, to Pedro, after Pedro didn't see any deer (again) from the Birch Tree: (Laughing) "You didn't see any deer from the Birch Tree? EVERYONE see's deer from the Birch Tree!!".
Best Quotes Of 2003