2005 Memories
A Letter From Pedro To The Mudbrook Boys

                                                                               Poison, Pedro, Lefty, & Barnacle Ready For A Realtree Roadtrip

January 4, 2006
Well boys, another enjoyable season of friendship, camaraderie, and bowhunting in Mudbrook Valley has come to an end. I can't believe it's over already! The season was full of high expectations and everyone had opportunities, but Paco was the only one who could "close the deal" on a bow buck this year, and in doing so, has earned the coveted Highbanks Hunting Club's Annual Big Buck Award for 2005. Congratulations Paco!! He will receive his award at the annual HHC Banquet Night Celebration on February 4, 2006. Amidst the sadness of bow season ending I reflect back upon the memories of the past 4 months...

1) Opening weekend was a blast! We had lot's of golfers, lot's of beer, and lot's of laughs!
2) The deck project couldn't have turned out more perfectly...nice plan Barnacle!
3) Poison hitting a buck on opening weekend and the excitement of possibly finding it dead. Then reality...
4) Odie shooting at a buck nearly every time out during early season...and not getting any of them. Paying your dues...
5) Shooting a doe way back on county land and not having to drag it even one foot...thanks to Paco and his ATP!
6) Our first annual "Realtree Roadtrip". It didn't produce any deer kills but it sure was a fun experience.
7) Paco getting the rut hunt off to a fast start by nailing an 8 pointer at the Wedge.
8) The frustration of standing corn and minimal deer movement throughout most of the season. Morning hunts didn't 
     produce anything at all this year...until I missed a doe on January 2nd of course. 
9) I can't believe Barnacle has gone two season's in a row without killing a deer with his bow. Wow!!
10) The burning of couches...now that's a fire!!
11) Poison missing yet another buck from the Airstrip...that's three over the past two season's.
12) Odie missing a nice 8 pointer on one side of his tree then shooting a small doe on the other side...after turning 
       around to bang his head on the tree trunk in frustration.
13) The Friday of gun season when Odie and I both killed 6 point bucks. That was really fun!
14) Jeff's Uncle Chuck dropping a big doe right in the middle of the frozen Mudbrook during T-Zone...golden!
15) Paco trading away my Mudbrook hat at Flaters...what are friends for??

It was a fun season but it would have been so much more fun if we had recovered the bucks we hit. Barnacle, Odie, & Poison all hit big bucks. If we recover those deer then we have 4 of 6 hunters with an 8 point or better buck and there is some serious competition for the plaque. Wouldn't that be cool? Let's fill up on bucks next year!!

Later boys...thanks for another awesome season!
